Proposal: Fine System

Proposal description

Saranagati Village is unique in that we have several policies of self-governance.  Bylaws and rules "level the playing field" and every shareholder should know them, abide by them and expect all other shareholders to do so. Note that when shareholders conform to the bylaws, shareholders agreement, lease agreement they save forcing their Board of Directors , who are also shareholders and neighbours, from the embarrassment and distasteful duty of enforcing them.

Shareholders can change the bylaws, shareholders agreement, and lease agreement., "Nothing is written in stone", so if a shareholder can convince a sufficient number of other shareholders to add, amend, or delete a bylaw, shareholders agreement, lease agreement  by passing a resolution with a 3/4 majority vote, it is "so written".

Community comments


Everyone coming to Saranagati has given up a lot on the faith of good well wishing association therefore restrictive and punitive regulations are a complete turn-off as well as discouragement to new possible members.

We should also remember how kind and encouraging Srila Prabhupad was towards us even though we carried huge amounts of bad karma in our histories. This attitude should be ours especially now in our old age as we see so many dropping off this planet. More members contributing to the development of this project in time, energy and enthusiasm will dramatically also bring a level of financial well being. Our planning should be how to attract new members not how to tax the few old timers we currently are.


The fine system, as is there in many organizations, and if passed at an AGM, would only be based on legitimate complaints and would only be implemented in the most serious cases and as a last resort.


I have observed a small group of the same individuals struggle to have a position and control over others lives to one degree or another. Your polices are directed towards certain individuals and making their lives more difficult. It's disgusting and offensive. NOBODY has any right to dictate a lifestyle, association, any idea, your opinion of your view of politics or in this case your opinion of a religion on another individual. You simply must put some trust In the other shareholders.

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