Our annual Saranagati Ratha-Yatra takes place on Sunday, June 30th, 2024, in our beautiful scenic valley and lake.  Help pull Lord Jagannath's cart at the Ratha Yatra parade at noon and continuing at lakeside festival site park until sundown. 

  • Ecstatic Kirtans, dancing and drama
  • Old fashioned farm-style games 

We are seeking people to participate in daily building, farm and food preparation. Our mission is to manifest the vision of Varnasrama villages, as proposed by Srila Prabhupada and our Acharyas. 

Our weekly Dharma Discovery gives children deeper insights into the fundamental values upheld in the Vedic culture, namely the importance of cows, farming and natural building/crafts.  We are starting plants in our greenhouse while harvesting lettuce & spinach greens.

Our building techniques improve and evolve

We have diverse projects underway in our community of 50 households, temple, goshala, farms and school. Our greater community includes neighboring farms and aboriginal settlements.  Some projects that need your help:

ISKCON Saranagati Temple

Join us for Sunday Feast on a weekly basis from 5:30pm to 8pm. With delicious multi-course vegetarian meals, music and spiritual discussion (and occasionally, dance & drama). Temple holds 5:30am morning programs.


Off-grid homesteads and farms spread across 10 kilometers feature various spiritual & agrarian projects:


Human prosperity flourishes by natural gifts and not by gigantic industrial enterprises. The gigantic industrial enterprises are products of a godless civilization, and they cause the destruction of the noble aims of human life. The more we go on increasing such troublesome industries to squeeze out the vital energy of the human being, the more there will be unrest and dissatisfaction of the people in general.  Srimad Bhagavatam 1.8.40 Goal for the community:…